Ikan hiu merupakan 7% dari seluruh jenis ikan yang ada. Sebagian besar menghuni perairan laut di semua samudera maupun perairan air tawar. Jenisnya beranekaragam mulai dari yang terbesar yaitu ikan hiu paus (whale shark), Rhincodon typus yang berukuran panjang tubuh 14 meter hingga yang terkecil berukuran panjang 15 cm yaitu Squaliolus laticadus. Separuh
dari semua jenis ikan hiu panjangnya tidak lebih dari 1 meter dan
sekitar 80% ukuran tubuhnya lebih kecil dari ukuran tubuh orang dewasa
Menurut evolusi, ikan hiu merupakan salah satu hewan yang dapat hidup di laut selama ratusan juta tahun lamanya. Mereka mampu melawan kepunahan melalui keanekaragaman relative. Oleh sebab itu menjadi species indicator yang baik guna mengukur dampak kegiatan manusia di dalam ekosistem laut.
dalam rantai makanan pada ekosistem laut, ikan hiu menduduki tingkatan
konsumen puncak (top level) sebagai predator yang amat berpengaruh bagi
keseimbangan ekosistem. Banyak pakar kelautan meyakini
bahwa ikan hiu merupakan mahluk vital dalam menjaga keanekaragaman
hayati, khususnya di perairan laut.
Keistimewaan Ikan Hiu
hiu memiliki 7 (tujuh) indra, yakni pendengaran, penciuman (dapt
mencapai beberapa mil jauhnya), peraba (touch), penglihatan, pengecapan
(taste), rangsangan listrik (electrosense) serta garis tepidan
organ-organ titik (pit organ) untuk menangkap getaran yang lemah. Ikan
bertulang rawan ini dikenal sebagai jenis yang mampu bermigrasi sangat
jauh (migratory species) mengarungi samudera melintasi batas Negara dan
benus untuk mencari pakan dan berproduksi. Menurut laporan Wild Aid : The of the Line ? Global Threat to Shark yang ditulis Susie Watts (2001), seekor ikan hiu biru (Blue shark), Prionace glauca yang
diberi tanda (tag) di Tasmania tahun 2000 tertangkap di perairan bagian
tenggara Afrika yang berjarak lebih kurang 9.500 km. Kejadian serupa dialami pula oleh ikan hiu jenis Spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias
yang diberi tanda (tag) di Negara bagian AS, muncul perairan Jepang
tujuh tahun kemudian setelah menempuh perjalanan sejauh 6.600 km. Tertangkapnya ikan hiu tersebut sebagian besar adalah karena tersangkut jarring longline oleh kapal penangkap ikan.
Selain dagingnya, bagian –bagian tubuh ikan hiu yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh manusia antara lain :
· minyak hati untuk bahan pencelupan dan industri tekstil, pabrik pelumas, cat, kosmetik, sumber vitamin A dan produk farmasi,
· squalane dari hati untuk dibuat dibuat obat (bersifat medis),
· darah diginakan digunakan dalam bidang kedokteran (anti koagulan),
· kornea mata untuk transplantasi mata manusia,
· tulang rawan dan sari tulang rawan digunakan untuk pengobatan penyakit tulang, kanker, kulit biautan dan obat luka baker,
· gigi untuk perhiasan dan senjata (oleh suku maori) serta cindramata,
· kulit digunakan untuk bahan makanan, penggosok dan pembuatan pakaian renang,
· sirip punggung merupakan makanan mahal setelah dibuat soup. Harga semangkuk soup sirip hiu mencapai US$ 100,00 di restoran-restoran seafood di seluruh dunia.
Shark is 7% of all species of fish there. Mostly inhabit the waters of the sea in all oceans and freshwater. Diverse kind ranging from the largest whale shark (whale shark), Rhincodon typus a body length of 14 meters to the smallest length of 15 cm is Squaliolus laticadus. Half of all shark species no longer than 1 meter and about 80% smaller body size of adult body size generally.
According to evolution, sharks are one animal that can live in the sea for hundreds of millions of years. They were able to fight through a variety of relative extinction. Therefore be a good indicator species to gauge the impact of human activities on the marine ecosystem.
mIn the food chain in marine ecosystems, sharks occupy the top level of the consumer (top level) as a predator who is very influential for the balance of the ecosystem. Many marine experts believe that sharks are being vital in maintaining biodiversity, especially in the sea.
Shark Privileges
Sharks have 7 (seven) senses, namely hearing, smell (DAPT reach several miles away), tactile (touch), visual, gustatory (taste), electrical stimulation (electrosense) and line organs tepidan point (pit organs) to capture the vibrations of the weak. Cartilaginous fishes is known as a type that is able to migrate very far away (migratory species) crosses the ocean and benus State to seek food and produce. According to the Wild Aid: The of the Line? Global Threat to Shark written Susie Watts (2001), the blue shark (blue shark), Prionace glauca marked (tags) in Tasmania in 2000 was caught in the waters of southeastern Africa within approximately 9500 km. A similar incident also experienced by the spiny dogfish shark species, Squalus acanthias marked (tagged) in the state of U.S., Japanese waters appear seven years later after traveling as far as 6600 km. The capture of sharks are mostly due nets snagged by longline fishing vessels.
Besides meat, the body parts of sharks that can be exploited by humans include:
Shark is 7% of all species of fish there. Mostly inhabit the waters of the sea in all oceans and freshwater. Diverse kind ranging from the largest whale shark (whale shark), Rhincodon typus a body length of 14 meters to the smallest length of 15 cm is Squaliolus laticadus. Half of all shark species no longer than 1 meter and about 80% smaller body size of adult body size generally.
According to evolution, sharks are one animal that can live in the sea for hundreds of millions of years. They were able to fight through a variety of relative extinction. Therefore be a good indicator species to gauge the impact of human activities on the marine ecosystem.
mIn the food chain in marine ecosystems, sharks occupy the top level of the consumer (top level) as a predator who is very influential for the balance of the ecosystem. Many marine experts believe that sharks are being vital in maintaining biodiversity, especially in the sea.
Shark Privileges
Sharks have 7 (seven) senses, namely hearing, smell (DAPT reach several miles away), tactile (touch), visual, gustatory (taste), electrical stimulation (electrosense) and line organs tepidan point (pit organs) to capture the vibrations of the weak. Cartilaginous fishes is known as a type that is able to migrate very far away (migratory species) crosses the ocean and benus State to seek food and produce. According to the Wild Aid: The of the Line? Global Threat to Shark written Susie Watts (2001), the blue shark (blue shark), Prionace glauca marked (tags) in Tasmania in 2000 was caught in the waters of southeastern Africa within approximately 9500 km. A similar incident also experienced by the spiny dogfish shark species, Squalus acanthias marked (tagged) in the state of U.S., Japanese waters appear seven years later after traveling as far as 6600 km. The capture of sharks are mostly due nets snagged by longline fishing vessels.
Besides meat, the body parts of sharks that can be exploited by humans include:
- Liver oil for dyeing and textile materials, factory lubricants, paints, cosmetics, source of vitamin A and pharmaceutical products,
- Squalane from the liver to be made the drug (medical nature),
- Blood used in medicine (anti-coagulant),
- Corneas for transplantation of the human eye,
- Cartilage and cartilage extracts used for treatment of bone disease, cancer, and drug biautan skin burns,
- Teeth for jewelry and weapons (by the Maori tribe) and cindramata,
- Bark is used for food, scouring and manufacture swimwear,
- Dorsal fin is expensive food once made soup. A bowl of shark fin soup prices reached U.S. $ 100.00 in seafood restaurants around the world.
sumber http://benyamin.wordpress.com
1 komentar:
Tulang rawan Shark Cartilage. nya juga sama berkhasiat untuk mencegah kanker. Saya sudah biasa konsumsi Nature Squalene nih. Belinya disini : http://goo.gl/2rZcUf
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