Naruto Breakdown Shinobi adalah salah satu adaptasi game dari naruto manga
animasi, melawan gaya permainan seperti naruto shipudden naga pisau
sejarah, menceritakan kisah pertempuran naruto dan teman-temannya,
permainan yang paling menarik memiliki ukuran yang sangat kecil hanya
95MB, Anda tidak perlu menginstal, hanya extrack kemudian bermain, mudah
dilakukan :)
Sejarah Naruto Uzumaki, seorang ninja remaja dari Desa Konoha adalah
terang, ambisius dan hiperaktif. Lahir pada tanggal 10 Oktober nd.
Berusia sekitar 13 tahun dalam seri Naruto, dan 16 tahun di Naruto
Shippuden. Berasal dari klan Uzumaki di Desa Konoha. Kekuatan mencakup
unsur-unsur dari udara dan api ketika negara sembilan ekor.
Breakdown Naruto Shinobi is one of the game adaptation of manga animation naruto, naruto fighting style games like dragon blade shipudden history, tells the story of the battle Naruto and his friends, the most interesting game has a very small size of only 95MB, you do not need to install, just extrack and play, easy to do :)
History of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja from Konoha Village is a bright, ambitious and hyperactive. Born on October 10 nd. Aged about 13 years in the Naruto series, and 16 years in Naruto Shippuden. Derived from the Uzumaki clan in the village of Konoha. Strengths include the elements of air and fire when the nine tails.
History of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja from Konoha Village is a bright, ambitious and hyperactive. Born on October 10 nd. Aged about 13 years in the Naruto series, and 16 years in Naruto Shippuden. Derived from the Uzumaki clan in the village of Konoha. Strengths include the elements of air and fire when the nine tails.
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