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Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

Contoh Karya Tulis Ilmia


Sumartono (2735)
Tri Utami (2744)
Trishna Nanda Barianty  (2746)
Tyapatra Dwi Rangga (2747)
Wahyu Fajar I (2753)
Yulita Widyaningrum (2766)

Senior High School 1 Menganti Gresik
Sumartono (2735)
Tri Utami (2744)
Trishna Nanda Barianty  (2746)
Tyapatra Dwi Rangga (2747)
Wahyu Fajar I (2753)
Yulita Widyaningrum (2766)

Dra.Kesi Damayanti                                                        Date,
NIP.19690327 200003 2003
Guardian of Class XI-IA 1

Tri Hermin Sunarti,S.Pd.                                      Date,
NIP.19650314 200012 2002

Chief of Study

Hari Susanto,S.Pd.                                                              Date,
NIP.19740703 200701 1014
Essay entitled :

It has been tested and found to PASS by
Examiners in
Senior High School 1 Menganti

On              :
                                      Day             :
                                      Date            :


Yuli Andriyani


Essay entitled:


Has been accepted and in passes by
Headmaster of Senior High School 1 Menganti

On    :

                             Day             :
                             Date           :

Senior High School 1 Menganti

Drs.H,Rijanto M.Pd
NIP.19541018 198103 1005



1.1 Figure group 6 to do research in the republic Catfish
2.2 Figure of  one month old Dumbo Catfish
2.2 Figure of  two  months old  Dumbo Catfish
2.3 Figure of  three-month-old  Dumbo Catfish
2.4 Figure of  four  month old  Dumbo Catfish
3.1 Figure of  Dumbo Catfish hatchery ponds in the republic Lele
3.2 Image of  catfish ponds in the Republic Catfish
3.3 Figure of  Dumbo Catfish feed  manufacturers CP Prima (781)

Praise our Almighty GOD for presence of an abundance of grace and guidance - Him, so that we can finish the paper with the title: “DUMBO CATFISH AQUACULTURE STRATEGY IN THE REPUBLIK CATFISH PARE KEDIRI”
Writing scientific papers is intended to provide information about the strategy of cultivating a more optimal of Dumbo catfish. With the completion of this paper it can not be separated from the help of mentors or other parties who assist it in this opportunity to thank the author:
1.      Mr Drs.H.Rijanto M. Pd, as Principal of SMA N 1 Menganti
2.       Ms.Tri Hermin Sunarti, S. Pd, as the guardian of class XI - IA 1
3.      Ms.Dra.Kesi Damayanti as teacher mentors.
4.       Our beloved parents who have provided support and motivation.
5.       H. M Akas Alamuddin and employees who have helped in order to provide information to the author.
As for the writing of this paper we fully realize that far from perfect. And we accept criticism and suggestions for the good and the perfection of this paper.
And hopefully this paper can be useful for everyone, especially for the writer himself.

Gresik, 12th  April 2011


Tittle page
Page  approval
Tested page
                                                                                                     iii Certification                                                                                                            iv
Motto Page
List of figure
                                                                                                  vi Preface                                                                                                                    vii
CHAPTER I: Introduction
A. Background                                                                                               1
B. The formulation of a problem                                                                    1
C. Limitation of problems                                                                               2
D. Objectives of research                                                                                2
E. Benefits of research                                                                                    2
F. A research method                                                                                      2
:Basis Theory                                                                          5
A. Definition of Lele Dumbo                                                                                     5
B. Raising understanding and purpose                                                           5
C. Definition of strategy                                                                                 6
D. History breeding and cultivation techniques in the Republic Lele            7
:Analysis                                                                                9
Facilities of cultured African catfish                                                         9
B. Dumbo
Catfish hatchery                                                                            13
Enlargement Dumbo Catfish                                                                    15
D. Overcoming the problems of disease for a catfish Dumbo
: Closing                                                                                  21
A. Conclusion
Suggestion                                                                                                 21
Bibliography                                                                                                   23
Enclosure                                                                                                        24




         It smells peculiar, taste delicious, and nutritious.
Processing even easier. That's Catfish. Not mistaken if fish is increasingly rising prominence disgruntled. From the culinary side of the road to the restaurant. This marks the catfish in the future prospects quite bright and will increase each year due to catfish containing high protein sources (40%) and can be used as the main alternative to egg substitute (Syahrul  2001).
    Efforts to increase the production of fishery products either through the economic empowerment of catfish, farmers with the help of the project - fisheries projects, such as aid package catfish aquaculture development but until now the production would still not show the optimal and appropriate target. Many factors lead to less optimal cultivation of catfish, among many problem at farm level, lack of cultivation technology, unstable weather that caused a lot of production failure, less availability of seeds, considering catfish.
Production is still low compared to the number of request and existing land still likely to be developed. It is necessary to attempt an effective strategy in .
Of the various reasons above, the author is very interested in the catfish farming strategy type Dumbo (Clarias Gariepinus) conducted in the Republic of Catfish. So the authors compile the paper entitled "Strategy Catfish Farming in the Republic Lele Dumbo, Pare - Kediri".

B. The formulation of the problem

                        What and how the strategy can be applied in an effort cultivating African catfish?

C. Restricted problem
 The title and the formulation of the problem as achieved in the writing of the paper, we discuss strategies related to Dumbo catfish farming in the Republic of catfish, Pare - Kediri.

D. The purpose of the study
In accordance with the formulation of the problem, the purpose of the study is to determine that strategies for Dumbo catfish are more optimal.

E. Benefits Research
With this research are expected to provide benefits to the author personally and agencies that are bound from the school. Benefits include:

1. For students.
a. This research is useful to add insight and knowledge about the   
    cultivation of Dumbo catfish.
                     b. Knowing about Dumbo catfish farming strategy.

2. For schools (Senior High School 1 Menganti)
     a. To educate students to be diligent and skilled in making paper
     b. To develop student of Senior High School 1 Menganti skills 
         through the information  in this paper as a medium in determining            
                        the next study tour destination.


1. Setting
 To compile this paper conducted observation activities in advance. So we perform research activities in the Republic of Catfish. Thursday, 23rd Mei ​​ 2011 at 8:30 to 11:30 pm.

And in a relatively short time, we obtain the desired data to facilitate in the preparation of this paper.

The method means the away that has been set and think deeper better. While research can mean a thorough examination, investigation, thoroughness. So research method is the way that has been set and think deeper better to conduct a study to achieve a particular purpose.

         A study requires a specific method for the results of research can   be objective or an objective approach. The correct and proper method is a necessary condition to achieve an outcome study.

2. Research Methods
Collecting data is an attempt to obtain data required in the research. In this research is information about the strategy of catfish farming in the Republic Lele Dumbo Pare - Kediri, while collecting data we collect includes:
1). Observation Method
That is the method  uses directly observation techniques to study sites. By using the method of observation data obtained on the condition of catfish farming in the Republic Lele Dumbo Pare - Kediri
2). Interview
That interview or question and answer directly to the resource persons. By using this method we can obtain  information on cultivation strategies in the Republic Lele Lele Dumbo Pare - Kediri.
3). Literature
That is by finding and reading books that can be used as a source of information in the preparation of the paper. By using this method the authors could get some supporting theory about catfish

farming strategy Dumdo completely, so the authors can present scientific papers perfectly.
4). Documentation
That method of data collection taking a picture to be degraded and used as evidence in this paper. From this method obtained the images of physiological conditions or conditions Dumbo Catfish Pond Catfish farming in the Republic Lele Dumbo Pare - Kediri.


A.  Definition of  Lele Dumbo
1. Definition of  Catfish
Sofiyah ES Ramdhani complete in Indonesian dictionary meaning of the word catfish are: "Catfish is a fish of the river in Latin called Clariusmelanoderma.

According to Big Indonesian Dictionary Catfish are:
Catfish are freshwater fish, berpatil, sleek body, the mouth grunt, the color black back (sometimes a little gray), white abdomen somewhat gray (Clarius batrachus).
From the description above is clear that the catfish is one type of fish that live in freshwater.
  2. Definition of  Dumbo
According to Big Indonesian Dictionary explains:
   "Dumbo catfish species with superior weight and body length twice the usual catfish, hybrid catfish male African catfish females DNG Taiwan, kecokelat-brown color, white abdomen, patilnya non-toxic, more aggressive than usual catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
From the above it is clear that the Lele Dumbo is is a type of catfish that comes from African culture. Local Lele Lele Taiwan and local African development characterized by a very large body named "Dumbo".
B. Raising understanding and purpose

1. Definition of  Culture

        According Sofiyah ES Ramdhani complete in Indonesian dictionary meaning of the word culture is "Character  means a mind, disposition. "Power means the power, strength, ability.

          According to Big Indonesian Dictionary meaning culture are:"Enterprises who are useful and give the results.
"Maintenance of fish by using more than one type of fish in a pond.
2. The purpose of culture

a. Reproduce (reproduction) the serial number of nurseries.
b. Growing biomass enlargement (growth) units (weight).
c. Improving the quality of aquatic biota so as to obtain benefits.
From the above it is clear that the sense and purpose of cultivation is in many ways the maintenance of freshwater fish species in order to multiply, gain economic benefits and useful.
C.     Definition of Strategy

          The word "strategy" is derived from the Greek word, stratēgos. The stratēgos can be translated as 'military commander' in the days of Athenian democracy.

          According Sofiyah ES Ramdhani in Indonesian Dictionary meaning of the word strategy is: "Strategy is the science of war tactics.

According to Big Indonesian Dictionary meaning of the word strategy is: "Science and art of using all the resources of the nation to implement certain policies in war and peace.

According to Porter in 1985 said that: "Strategy is a very important tool to achieve competitive advantage.
According to Argyris in 1985 explained that: "This strategy is a response to the power of a continuous and adaptive to opportunities and threats and internal eskternal and weaknesses that may affect the organization.
MenurutHamel & Prahald of 1995 explains that:"The strategy is an incremental actions (constantly increasing) and continuous and based on the point of view about what is expected by the customer in the future.
  From the description above can be concluded that the overall approach to strategy is related to the implementation of ideas, planning and execution of an activity within a certain time.
D.  History Breeding and cultivation techniques in the Republic Lele

                        History until the emergence of superior srtategi for breeding and cultivation techniques Lele Dumbo in Pare - Kediri. Its history began in 1980 with five stages:

1. Traditional System Plus
Type of Catfish Catfish developed Local (Clarias Batracus). Breeding was introduced by Mr Mahfudz from Blitar around 1980 -1982. In this spawning, pond is located along the river, the pool was given the jars Parent (male-female) is inserted into the pond in large numbers who will seek their own partners. After hatching in the barrel beyong taken and preserved in the other pool. Traditional homemade food.

2. Semi Intensive system in 1982-1984
Local types are still Lele. In familiar with the model Akas Pare spawning. This system with a pair of male and female parent in the pool with the construction of three ponds bertanggga size 50 x 150 cm. Water used well water. After lambing beyong taken and kept in a pond soil or cement. Feeding is still homemade.

3. System Transition / Transitional occurred in 1984
·          Lele Dumbo is marked by the entry into Indonesia through three doors.
 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries planned, developed at the              Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture Development Centre (BPPAT) Sukabumi, with manager Ir. M Abduh.
·          Faculty of Fisheries, UB Malang, dean Ir. Lidwina Sutini cooperation with the    Netherlands, represented by Mr. Heisen Freight (now owner of Aqua Farm) to develop Lele Dumbo in Indonesia.  Employers fisheries "Tirto Excellence" property Semarang Edi

4. Intensive Systems (early) years 1984-1986
Type Lele Dumbo developed. Spawning is done by pituitary injection technique and stripping, beyong the next intensive reared in ponds with cement / soil. In the case of feed to use home made food or feed starter laying hens, or feed imported catfish. Because the animal feed mill in Indonesia have not produced specifically for catfish bait.

5. Intensive Systems 1987 to present.
Spawning is done by using Natural Marriage. Parent-parent directly suitable spawning ponds. After hatching ponds beyong maintained by intensive concrete / soil/tarp. Feed producers use feed. (www.republiklele.blogspot.com)


A. Facilities of cultured African catfish
Land and farming equipment is important to be prepared before business begins.
        The type of land suitable for cultivation of catfish Dumbo. That is a sandy loam soil (sandyclay), sorption soil, soil  rough and rocky fraction ground. The four types of soil is only sandy clay soil the best for swimming. The type of soil will form a strong maturation and the fertile pond. Sandy loam soil types can be described by way grasped. If it is not broken and not attached by the hands, the land is very good for land cultivation.
       Aquaculture ponds need to be given lime. Liming ponds aquaculture is essential for the farmers. There are three main goals should be given a pool of lime, which is as follows:
v    Normalize soil pH
Calcification is effectively carried out if the pool that is used has a pH below normal or lower than 7. With liming, soil pH will reach normal or 7. Usually if the pool had a low pH, fertility was will be low. Calcification is not efficiently done if the pound had normal pH. For that, prior to liming soil pH should be measured first by using litmus paper or pH-meter.
v  Increase alkalinity
Usually the pool which was long in use tend to have low alkalinity. In this condition, the pool will not be able to hold the pH in water. With calcification, alkanitas pool will increase. Alkalinity is good for swimming between 50-300 mg / l.
v  Eradicate pests and diseases
The presence of pests and diseases is very detrimental economically. Therefore, pests and diseases should be prevented or even eradicated. One way is by liming.
Creating a pond is good for the cultivation of African catfish. Swimming pool water is defined as intentionally created by humans and it appears to be controlled easily. That is, the pool easily irrigated and dried in quick time. Creating a pond is not difficult, provided that the principle of the pool is known. A pool must have three main parts, namely the embankment, water entry doors, and door-water discharge. The function is as water-retaining embankment. This bund must be made according to the width and length of the pool which planned. High maturation must comply with the high pool. Generally the shapes is such as trapezoidal embankment, namely the outside and inside side. Bund width depending on the area made pool. Door inclusion of water should be made in the middle side of the wide pool of water near the channel entrance. Water channel entrance is located approximately 50 cm above the surface of the pond. Water entry door made of bamboo paralon or diameter depending on the area of ​​the pond. The pool area of ​​200-400 m2 can use paralon 4 inches, while the pool area of ​​500-1000 m2 is  using paralon minimum of 6 inches. Similarly, water intake door, door-water discharge was made in the front center edge of the pond. The goal for water circulation work well. There are three forms of door-water discharge that is often used, namely a double form, the form of "L", and form monik. Of the three forms of the "L", and form monik best because the water coming out from the bottom of a pond whose quality is already bad. See pictures 3.2
Setting up production facilities seeding. If infrastructure such as swimming, where spawning, and hatcheries are available, the next steps to be prepared is a means of production. Means of production include the parent, feed, fertilizer, and medicine - drugs. Male and female parent can be obtained from fish breeding centers or local fisheries research centers. If a parent comes from farmers should be selected only from  one of sex only, such as male, while the female parent from elsewhere. This is done to avoid an unwanted marriage. Catfish food is obtained from manufacturers who sell the catfish food. Meanwhile, the lime can be obtained in stores and building material products and drugs - drugs from the store means of agricultural production.
Container size enlargement scale and small scale. Compared with other fish species, African catfish has a surplus, which can breathe oxygen from the water and air (labyrinth). With these advantages, African catfish can be maintained with high density. Therefore, African catfish can be cultivated on a large scale or small scale. For small-scale African catfish can be maintained in the pool area of ​​20m2 (4m x 5m) with a depth of at least 1 m. This pond can be made around the home, provided that the water was flowing continuously. For large-scale, African catfish can be kept in a pool of 500 - 1000m2 and deeper than small scale. Area ponds like this can be produced dumbo catfish consumption  of 3-4 tons.
Swimming must be nurtured. As with other fish species, African catfish requires a natural food for the growth. To be in the pond overgrown with natural food, a pool should have been fertilized before stocking larvae. Types of natural food is needed, depending on age and size of fish. Small fish, especially newly hatched (larvae), so require natural food. Larvae organs are usually not perfect, so just need a natural food. Meanwhile, vesar sized fish generally given food more than natural food manufacturers.
How to give an organic fertilizer into the pond. As fertilising ponds, manure is a very important means of production. This type of fertilizer that is often used in pond fertilization is organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers can be animal waste that has been cooked or forage (leaves). Manure is commonly used chicken manure and quail.
Meanwhile, green it, among other things kipait leaves, petai china, and dadap Salo. Fertilization dose is 500 g/m2. Fertilization conducted during preparation of pool, named after liming. The way of administration is by spread fertilizer throughout the pond bottom and pond watered and left for 5-7 days.
Environmental quality Dumbo catfish needs to be checked. Environmental life is one critical success factor in cultivated catfish Dumbo. One of the environmental factors that need to know and consider is the oxygen. Fish, including African catfish, needed of dissolved oxygen (Dissolved oxygen / DO). Oxygen content in water will greatly affect the metabolism process. If lack of oxygen, growth and development will slow that Dumbo catfish production will not be in accordance with the plan. Low DO levels will decrease your appetite African catfish. Lele Dumbo will live a normal life if its DO concentration of 4 mg / l, while the concentration ranges ideal 5-7 mg/ l.
Determine water quality. Actually, water conditions can be described by way of direct vision if the control of water and fish behavior is done every day. Lack of oxygen will be evident in the fish during the morning because some fish will be above the water surface to breathe oxygen directly from air. The treatment is simple, inexpensive, and easy to know the content of dissolved oxygen in water is to use the piece of wood. The wood pieces are colored brightly, and then thrown into the pond and left for 30-45 minutes. If the wood looks dirty freckled, dissolved oxygen content of only 0.1 to 2 mg / l. To determine the presence of other elements in water. It can use litmus paper measuring pH. This is due to the pH value is closely related to other environmental factors, especially water temperature. Examination of water quality should be performed in the laboratory for obtaining satisfactory results. However, this method is not absolute because water quality can be known from direct observation by looking at the life of the kinds of fish in these waters. For example, if the carp and tilapia can live well, the waters are also eligible for maintenance Dumbo  catfish.
How to manage the water system pool. System waters of the pool can be implemented in two ways, namely series and parallel. Series systems are very commonly used fish farmers. This system is actually pretty good, but many shortcomings compared to a parallel system. If the ponds are fertilized, the fertilizer will be easily washed away by water flow. In addition, if one of the existing swimming upstream section developing the disease, the existing pools underneath will catch the plague. Pool parallel with the water system is the best. This system made the parent channel. From the master channel is made of other channels that flow directly into each pond. Because each pool is only irrigated from one channel, the lack of irrigation systems to overcome the series. Water entering the pond is not from another pond and water out of the pool will not be enter to another pool.
B. Dumbo Catfish Hatchery
 Dumbo catfish begin spawning time. The period began to lay eggs every kind of fish is different. Local catfish usually spawn around the age of one year or her body weight had reached 100 g. Unlike the local catfish, the African catfish begin spawning at age 8 months. At this time already Dumbo-sized catfish usually 350-400 g.
How to germinate Dumbo catfish. African catfish can not be cultivated naturally during early development in Indonesia. The reason, cultivation environment incompatible with the habitat of origin. Because Indonesia has long maintained in the environment and can adapt to Indonesian waters, while even this Dumbo could be naturally spawning catfish. However, natural spawning is still not enjoyed by farmers as the eggs produced little. One of spawning gives a lot of interest because the level keberhasilanya better than the natural way is artificial spawning or mating syringe. Natural spawning in Dombo catfish can be done in a basin length of 2 m, width 1m, and height 80 cm. Previous tanks used were first dried for 2-3 days for the parent who breeded to inflame. Once dry, tub filled with water as high as 40 cm. However, given the tub first hapa terilin fabric length and width according to the size bath. If you do not want to be hapa, a third from the bottom should be provided with eggs stick form fibers. For the catfish can not jump out, the top of the tub will close wire netting. After the spawning tank is ready, the parent who has matured catfish can be incorporated into it. During the spawning water must continue to` flow. When spawning, the parent is taken and put into holding pond maintenance, while the remaining eggs in the bathtub until they hatch and maintained for 1-2 days or black larvae. After that, the boy was transferred to the swimming strokes. But this method is considered by H. M Akas Alamuddin as catfish farmers in the Republic of Lele Dumbo is less then optimal and the result is less than the maximum 10-15 thousand only, whereas with natural mating is more practical and results can be a maximum of 50-10 each parent. Than he was, history was made early spawning catfish. System or technology that become known as the Engineering Experience Married (fits directly in the pond spawning).
 Natural mating technique. Spawning by natural mating in Dumbo catfish can be done in the bathtub-sized length of 2 m, width 1m, and height 80 cm. Previous tanks used were first dried for 2-3 days to get rid of various diseases. Then fill the pond with a volume that aims to have half the pool or animal plankton - small animals such as larvae. Then after that there are a variety of plankton, enter Lele Dumbo male and female. Dumbo comparisons lele to be included in the pool depends on the farmers because in this system occurs in a natural mating between male and female African catfish catfish Dumbo by men rubbing Catfish Dumbo and automatically eject sement Lele Dumbo while swimming and women respond to that stimulus.

Easy and convenient way for selecting seed. Who does not like to see the hatchery are conducted to give  that much results. However, do not be surprised if the seed size varies widely, sometimes there are three sizes. For that, the seeds must be selected first in order to obtain the same seed size. Selection of seeds that are not same is common in fish nursery. There are two easy and convenient way that can be done in seed selection, namely selection of hand-selection and selection with a sieve. Manual selection is done by selecting the seeds one by one by hand. This method is not practical if it is done for the amount of that much seed, since it requires considerable time and effort. Therefore, this method would be more suitable for selecting seeds that are not too many and large size. Selection by using the sieve of selection is a more practical and easier than the manual way. This is due to the time required is not too long and a little of its workforce, although the number of seed is a lot. For this selection, it must be provided before the sieve selection of aluminum, bamboo wibbing, or jolang already drilled to size of fish.
Determining the number of parent for Dumbo catfish hatchery. Prior to seeding production facilities set up, its output targets to be determined first. From the production target it can be determined amount of the parent who must be prepared. Based on calculations and experiments have been done, every parent of Dumbo female catfish weighing 500 g containing 10,000 to 15,000 eggs. From the number of eggs can only hatch around 70-80%. From the hatch is just to stay alive until the seed-size 3-5cm in only about 60-70%. Any parent  will usually return to lay eggs after 2 -3 months. By knowing the approximate production of seed of each parent and its production target, the number of the parent who needed to know. For example, each parent seed production targets and production targets, the number of the parent who needed to know. For example, seed production target of about 200,000 head per month, the number of male and female parent must be provided each  36-48 pieces.
Seed size on sowing is not the same. Inequality  seed at sowing not uncommon in the cultivation of African catfish. Although the size is not same, it does not mean seeding effort would be fatal. However, for businesses it can be successful seeding, seed size differences should not be too far away. Each seed is different characters with each other. There are seeds of an active search for food, those that are less active. In fact, genetically every seed has a different growth rates. For further maintenance, seed - seed that needs to be selected for differences in size, not too far away. If the selection made, it is feared the death rate of seeds is high. This is because larger seed may interfere with the smaller seeds that can arise nature of cannibalism. The effort that can be done to prevent the occurrence of differences in seed size were stocked larvae should be of the same age. Also, keep the seeds sown only come from the same spawning process.

C. Enlargement  Dumbo Catfish
 There are several alternative places catfish enlargement Dumbo with a faster harvest time.
What is the effect of seed treatment on an enlarged?. Dumbo catfish enlargement results can be few or many, depending on the seed used. Very low seed quality can cause Dumbo catfish could not stand the environment so the results are very small. The seeds that were not given any special treatment would affect the outcome enlargement. In general there are some things that need to be done for rearing these fish can do well. First, the pond should be well prepared. Second, the sown seed size should be the same and should be selected first. Third, the seeds must be free from disease. This third factor is the most important. If the seed is infected, other seeds can be infected too.
Terms of ponds for rearing catfish Dumbo. If you want to succeed in business enlargement Dumbo Catfish, had to prepare everything as good as possible. One prepare is a pool that meets the requirements of procurement. In addition, you must first learn the nature - the biology of the catfish Dumbo. Actually setting up ponds for rearing Dumbo catfish is very easy. However, there are several requirements that must be met as follows.
v Maturation is not leak so that the water does not recede for a period of enlargement.
v Construction maturation be a bit upright for Dumbo catfish is not easy to get out of the pond.
v The height of the water at least 30cm below the ridge for Dumbo catfish is not easy to jump into the pool bar.
v Debit of water flows into a pool is not too big.
 If state population is too dense. If the container is too dense population maintenance, there usuallywill be a result of crop failure or a little. Failure to harvest not only the reduction in individual Dumbo catfish, but the reduction in body weight although the number of individual ia a lot. Reduced individual Dumbo catfish can cause disease. Fish is susceptible to disease in high density because it has a weak body condition. On the other hand, the impact of this density can lead to weight. Each individual is reduced from normal. As a result, the total weight of too little. Dumbo catfish lack of weight because there is competition in getting the food. See picture 2.1;2.2;2.3;2.4.
 Selection of feeds suitable for feeding catfish  Dumbo. For getting a cheap but good quality seed is a way to buy food producer CP Prima (781) and Comfeed cheap price, although it is cheaper, the food material still contains nutrients needed by the seed. See picture 3.3
Composition Analysis:
Protein 31-33%
Fiber 4-6%
Ash 10-13%
Water content 11-13%
How to use:
Complete any fish food. 781 grain for food during the growth of catfish
weighing 60 -150 grams
Food mode
      3-4% of the weight of existing biomass
Time gives
      3 -5 times every day
  Adjust feeding on Dumbo catfish enlargement. There are several terms as a good natural food for Dumbo catfish, which must be smaller than the fish's mouth opening, easily digestible, easily captured, and easy, and inexpensive culture or growing them. Natural food to be cultured should be done during preparation of the pond. Type must be tailored to the type of fish that will be cultivated. For the African catfish, the best type grown is the type of zooplankton.

D. Overcoming the problems of disease for catfish Dumbo
The success of catfish is one of them is the ability of farmers to control the disease attacks
Dumbo Catfish including fish species that are not scaled. In fact, on the other fish species, scales are used to protect the inner skin. Therefore, Dumbo catfish does not protect body from environmental disturbance. Consequently, if it is injured, with a very easy going spending excessive mucus from its body. This mucus can be used as media of living bacteria. Attachment of bacteria to the mucus then immediately signed up to these germs into the body Dumbo catfish. Event of injury makes the African catfish decreased endurance and cause illness.
Tips to prevent the disease. There is an ancient proverb states that  “prevent better than cure”. For the African catfish thus, prevent the disease will reduce the risk of failure. To prevent disease, can be done in several ways, namely to provide an efficient and effective food the same protect the environment (sanitation). Both can be done simultaneously or each according to his life situations and environmental conditions. As it is known that food contains nutrients that are needed fish body, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins. If it is consumed in sufficient amounts, these nutrients can make the body of the fish remain healthy. So that it should be in the pool with the available of adequate food, either natural feed and feed supplement. Fish is always healthy will avoid from various diseases. Usually the disease will be faster attack experienced by the fish that his condition is not healthy or weak. Activities to keep the environment in order to stay well is to keep environmental sanitation. A clean environment will not easily become the breeding of germs. Sanitation can be done by replacement of water regularly and control the condition of aquatic cultivation. Water is often replaced causing germs that had been nesting in the pond of water environment directly with the water will go wasted.
Tips to cure various diseases. Healing disease in African catfish commonly done at this time there are several ways, namely how to treatments, diving, and immersion. The third way is based on the weight least treatment of disease that attacks.
v  Treatment
Treatment is a course of treatment using the drug at a dose of lace and long term reatif. Treatment is aimed at the way the disease is easily cured fish or quite mild. Treatment actual treatment is only performed for preventive action. However, this is still an effective way to heal the sick fish, but mild.
Treatment with the way treatment should be repeated several times. It was performed at intervals of at least a day. Generally, the way treatment is done as much as 5-7 times. Types of drugs that can be used for treatments such as potassium permagnat (PK), salt, and Gold 100. Drug dose ranged 0,2-0.5 mg / l water, depend on types of drugs and diseases. For drugs based powder, concentration should be made easy special. Metilenblue dose of 1g/1.000 liters of water can be used as a drug disease attacked fish bacteria.
v  Diving
Diving is the treatment of fish with high doses of drug use and usually require a relatively short time even with treatment replications. Usually the treatment is done by diving on the shirt-severe cases of disease and can not be done by tratment.
        Treatment of diving by using the same drug treatment manner. The difference of dose and repeated treatment is not the same. Diving used high doses of between 20-50 mg / l of water, depending on disease and drug. Meanwhile, the treatment can replay intervals of 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour or the longest 2 hours. The treatment is done three times, five times, or redirect times. Many treatment replications depends on heavily whether or not the attack of diseases. Administration of drugs in this manner usually with spreading.
When medical treatment of proper control is necessary so that the fish are being treated is better as expected. Given the relatively high doses usage, these control activities can affect the effectiveness of the drug. This is because when the fish are  more treatment  usually sensitive to things about her body. If it not addressed, such as changing the water as soon as possible, not the healing  happened, but death. Therefore, when treatment timeliness of this kind needs to be addressed.
v  Soaking
Soaking done if the disease affecting quite heavy. Soaking the sick fish are generally carried out in a 200 liter container. Drugs used in the form table of salt with a dose of 30 mg / l of water. Treatment time for 1 minute each treatment. In order to recover fish, soaking should be done as much as 3-5 times in a row repeat at intervals a day. Water used for soaking should be replaced in total.
In addition to use table of salt, a drug used for the immersion can be metilenblue (MB). The drug is too hard so it is advisable to use a dose of 1 g/100l water. Old submersion about 60-90 minutes with a repeat treatment 3-5 times the time interval was only a day. Use of MB can be to treat the wounded and stricken fish bacteria.



A. Conclusion
Based on the description in Chapter I to Chapter III can be concluded:
1.        Strategy  of  cultivation in the Republic  Dumbo catfish  in Dumbo catfish hatchery Technique by Natural Marriage, ie, Dumbo Catfish  hatchery system matched with the seed directly in the spawning pond. Natural mating technique is more practical and the results can be maximized.
2.         In keeping with the quality of seeds with seed  Dumbo Catfish with in the pool (where spawning) by cleaning the pool to dry in order that seed of  Dumbo Catfish don’t  contract the disease, then filling water into the pond, after it is left a few days with the aim that there are plankton in the pond as food for Dumbo Catfish.
3.         Management of production facilities in the Republic  Dumbo Catfish emphasis on food manufacturers or food that is manufactured in CP Prima Comfeed 75% and 25%.
B. Suggestion
After we had a group of observations, research and direct evaluation that the African catfish cultivation strategy was "very useful although don’t perfect. So we will give suggestions as follows.

1. For Schools
v  It is needed to know the African catfish breeding strategy that is more optimal,
v  The school library is expected to complement a variety of books on strategy of cultivation ordinances such as African catfish for aquaculture literature to support the success for students
2.      For students
v  We recommend the school to make research in this republic as further renovations in the next study tour destination.
v  Strategy of active students and inovatif, catfish farming strategies should be applied in the environment and serve as a future capital


Adhi, Iwan. Kamus Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia. Sidoarjo: Duta Aksara Semesta.
Prihartono, Eko.2010.Mengatasi Permasalahan Budidaya lele Dumbo. Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya.
Ramdhani ,Sofiyah. KAMUS LENGKAP BAHASA INDONESIA. Surabaya; Karya Agung
Sukadi, Hari Susanto.2011.Pedoman Penulisan Karya Tulis. Gresik:Cahaya Sabar.

Catfish Farming Pioneer Of Pare Kediri Indonesia

H. M Akas Alamuddin
 Which is located at Jl. Asparaga no. 21 Tegalsari Tulungrejo Pare Kediri. (0354-392542).Seeing the promising potential for the cultivation of catfish, BA Sailing in 1971 was trying to pursue catfish since 1981. Starting with a pool of catfish 16 plot, he founded REPUBLIC Catfish on December 12, 1985. According to him, REPUBLIC Catfish at the time sanctioned by several parties, other than my friends surrounding catfish farmers also sanctioned by:

1. Mr. Ir. Isnun Isnantopuro, Head of Fisheries Kediri
2. Mr. Ir. Sodi Siswomihardjo, Head of Fish Seed "K. Susilo Utomo ", Pare
3. Prof.. Dr. Rustija, Professor of Faculty of Fisheries, poor UB
4. Mr. Freight (now owner of Aqua Farm Indonesia), Catfish experts from Holland who is working with UB Malang.

Armed with experience and diligence in the cultivation, In 2010 the pool has been growing rapidly. "In 2010 this has been to 400 plots, all pool concrete / cement with an average yield of 70-80 tons per month, "says this father of five children. With the assistance of child-anakanya, especially the 3 people that is Laili, Yaya and Uthon who supervises 16 employees, Akas raise even higher target. "In 2011 I canangakan capable of producing at least 100 tons per month", he said excitedly.


  1. How the history of the founding of the Republic of Lele Dumbo?
  2. In your opinion how prospects select catfish Dumbo?
  3. How do you in selecting seed catfish Dumbo?
  4. How do I produce catfish Dumbo?
  5. How many times in 1 year of harvest in the Republic of Catfish?
  6. What about the selection of feed for catfish Dumbo?
  7. What is the ratio of feed to the needs of catfish Dumbo?
  8. How do I distinguish between male and catfish catfish Dumbo Dumbo  bentina?
  9. How do marriage in the Republic of catfish catfish Dumbo?
  10. How catfish aquaculture facilities Dumbo?

Figure group 6 to do research in the republic Catfish

2.1  Figure of one  month old Dumbo Catfish

2.2 Figure of  two months old Dumbo Catfish

2.3 Figure of  three-month-old Dumbo Catfish

2.4  Figure of  three month old  Dumbo Catfish

3.1 Figure of  Dumbo Catfish hatchery ponds in the Republic Catfish

3.2  Image of  catfish ponds  in the Republic Catfish

3.3  Image of feed CP prime (781)

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